Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Introduction — Welcome to DysphoricGreens

Okay, we're gonna try this for the billionth time! I have owned this domain for a while now and I think it's time to finally use it for something other than a custom email address.

So, hi! Welcome to DysphoricGreens.xyz. My name is Avery, though most people just call me Ava. I’m what you might call a very amateur artist and programmer—emphasis on "very." Over the years, I’ve dipped my creative sausages into just about everything: 3D and 2D art, VFX, graphic design, writing, photography—you name it, I’ve probably tried it at least once. That said, my enthusiasm doesn’t always translate to sharing my work. Actually, it hardly ever does.

I’ve never been great at putting my creations out there, so I'm kinda hoping that using a blog format will help with that. That and I also love watching or reading the thought process of how they came to the final piece.

Expect the theme to change often, I'm still trying to figure all of this out!



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